Thursday, September 29, 2016


I am thrilled to start this new school year with your kids! I couldn't imagine life without teaching and love fourth grade! What a great age! 

I decided to write some reminders in this letter before the upcoming dates and tests that will follow. The monthly newsletter is usually short, simple and to the point because we are all busy and it is easier to see and add to your calendars.
First, your child CAN, yes can, bring anything home from school. Some examples include books, text books, journals, binders, and all of the work we do in class so it can be reviewed at home 

Second, we are working on a “Growth Mindset” where we are not experts, yet… If we just try 100% we WILL and CAN get there, even if we aren’t there quite yet.

Third, the iPads are a great tool if used properly and if the technology is reliable. Troy did not supply the students with paper agendas and I tried One Note, but it wasn’t consistently. Therefore, each month your child will have a paper packet agenda handed out to them. It is their responsibility to show it to you and get it signed, NOT yours. I know it is hard to let your child fail forward, but it teaches them some valuable life lessons. Please know, even if you drop off their notebooks, it may remain a strike.  

Finally, I do not assign homework strictly to be taken home. Students always have a chance to work on it in class.  Please check with your student and in the Communication Notebook for the “missing work” box each night. I will write in the Communication Notebook if there are any missing assignments. You can write me notes also, or send me an email. 

Here is a breakdown of what to expect.

·       Math is usually given Monday-Thursday. Friday is enrichment day! Yes, they can take notes and pictures from how I taught the lesson using their iPad. 

·       A “RJ” Refelection Journal is assigned 3 to 5 days a week. These are checked in once a week when I confer with them, so they never know when I am going to check.

·       The same goes for writing. Pop – Checks!

·       Your child SHOULD be reading at least 20 minutes a night.

·       Morning Work is assigned Monday - Thursday. 

·       Quote of the Week is due Friday. They are given a quote on Monday.

·       Book Reports, Stretch and WOW Words are available. 
Our Halloween Party is quickly approaching. If you didn’t attend
Curriculum Night, we have spots open for Organizer of the Valentine’s
Day Party. I will give you the parent contact sheet and the money
to throw the party. Remember, due to allergies ONLY fruit or veggies at the 

That is all for now. Please check back on the first of every month AND when I write “check blog” in the Communication Notebook.

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